Sunday, May 5, 2013

Rustic Bar with Personal Touches

My friend wanted to surprise her husband and had a great idea for a bar.  I used my favorite pallet wood for most of it.  The 4 legs of the table are pressure treated  4x4's.  I did not cut them they are one solid piece.

She brought me old license plates from off of their ranch, some of them dated to 1961 this really added character to it.

She also had some great pictures from the ranch.  I converted them to an aged color for effect.  The boarder we did with beer bottle caps, and then resin was poured over the top.  This was my first time using resin it actually worked really well and was self leveling.  It does dry quickly though so be sure you are completely ready once you mix it. It took 4 coats to get it to the thickness we needed. It only allowed each coat to be 1/16" thick with an 8 hour dry between.  This being said, let me tell anyone wanting to use the resin it is costly.  So plan ahead and order it on line and you can save a bit. 

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