Friday, November 2, 2012

Photo Letter Sign

Any one that has known me for very long learns that I"m not good at remembering important dates.  Dates like oh say my girlfriends birthday.  Every year I forget and every year she expects me to forget.This is the arrangement we have. She has the coolest name and might I say vary rare. You won't find it on any of the tourist trinkets.  Recently it was her birthday and as usual... I missed it. I did however just finish this name sign for her.  I found a site that has hundreds of choices for each letter of the alphabet and they allow you to down load them.  So with that a cedar fence post a little paint, sander and modge podge I created what I feel is a very cool sign.  I hope my friend will agree.
Love ya Girl
Also.... to my other wonderful friend Holly.... if your reading this, I haven't forgotten yours is next haha!

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